Here’s another tip for users who are new to Ubuntu. This series aims to help new users to Ubuntu configure and manage their computer easily. It’s not geared towards Ubuntu power users or pros, rather users who are just starting with Ubuntu.
Ubuntu launcher is a key part of Ubuntu Unity Desktop. The launcher is the vertical bar with icons that sits on the left hand side of your screen when you logon. It allows you to easily open or launch programs from your desktop. It also provides quick access to applications, workspaces, removable devices and the trash bin.
By default, the launch size is set to 48 even for smaller screens. If you want to increase or decrease the size of the launcher, then continue below to learn how.
There are many reasons why you’d want to adjust Unity launcher. One good reason is to resize it to fit on smaller screens. If your screen is small and the default size isn’t suitable, then you may want to change it.
If the default size of the icons are too small and want to increase it, then adjust the launcher to increase the icons so they’re easy to click.
To get started, click the gear button at the top right of the menu bar as shown below.
Next, select Appearance
Finally, use the slider to adjust (increase / decrease) the launcher icon size.
The changes should apply automatically. Remember, if you want to stick with the default, move it back to 48.
This is another Ubuntu tip for new users. Keep coming back for more tips on Ubuntu. If you’re power users and wish to contribute, please leave a comment below