How to Run Windows Programs on Ubuntu with Wine

Sometimes the switching of operating systems can be challenging, especially when you change the overall architecture of the operating systems. It affects productivity as well as causes many issues regarding operating systems and application programs. Especially when...

How do I use basic commands in Linux?

Linux is a free and open-source operating system that has several distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc. Linux is free, efficient, and provides better security features. This write-up will discuss in detail how to use basic commands in Linux. There are two...

How can I install Linux/Ubuntu on my PC?

Ubuntu is an open-source Linux-based operating system. It is one of the most widely used Linux distributions in the world. It is compatible with cloud computing, desktops, and the Internet of Things (IoT). It provides an initiative interface and is easy to use. Ubuntu...

How to Save and Exit Nano Editor

When working with the Linux terminal, it is obvious to use nano text editor for creating, and editing text files or configuration files. Nano is the default text editor that comes with the default installation of Ubuntu 22.04. It provides the basic functionality of...

How do I zip a file in a Linux terminal?

A commonly used archive file format for files and folders is known as Zip. Files can be compressed into archived formats to save disk space and network bandwidth. Zip files can be easily extracted in Windows, Linux, and MacOS operating systems. This blog post will...

How Do I List Only Directories in Ubuntu 22.04

While troubleshooting issues, organizing files, and permission management the listing of the directories or files is the most important factor in Linux/ Ubuntu. Sometimes it is necessary to list the files in a directory but not the directory directly. However, in some...