by Richard W | Apr 16, 2014 | How-To/Tips, Internet, Web, Wordpress
If you sign into your WordPress site and view the dashboard, you’ll probably see a big Upgrade Now button. That’s because WordPress 3.9 was released today and this post is going to show you how to easily upgrade. Just about four months after the release of WordPress...
by Richard W | Jan 16, 2014 | How-To/Tips, Internet, Linux, Web, Wordpress
When you’re running a successful online blog, your goal is to protect it. Protect it from folks who want to hack it and set you back. When you’re looking for ways to protect your online properties, there are many things you should do. We’ve covered many blogging tips...
by Richard W | Jan 15, 2014 | How-To/Tips, Internet, Web, Wordpress
Google has just announced the release of a new WordPress plugin called Google Publisher Plugin. This plugin adds new functionality to WordPress websites by enabling the use of AdSense and Google Webmaster Tools verification. With more the 20% of websites running...
by Richard W | Jan 4, 2014 | How-To/Tips, Internet, Web, Wordpress
I have been using PNG images on this blog since the beginning. The only reason most images on this blog are PNGs is because I use Microsoft Live Writer to write and Microsoft Paint to crop and resize my images. The default file extension Paint uses to save images is...
by Richard W | Jan 2, 2014 | How-To/Tips, Internet, Linux, Web, Wordpress
If you’re running a WordPress blog on a Nginx webserver, you should also enable FastCGI caching module. Nginx webserver is fast. When you combine Nginx and FastCGI caching module, you’ll greatly improve the performance of your web application, including a WordPress...
by Richard W | Jan 1, 2014 | How-To/Tips, Internet, Web, Wordpress
This is our first post of this new year, 2014 and we’re starting it with WordPress. This is a beginner’s post and will show you how to make newer comments in WordPress appear first at the top of each page. By default when you setup WordPress, anyone can leave a...