by Richard W | Sep 25, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux
For new users who are just starting with Ubuntu, here’s some information that may help you if you want to use webcam in Ubuntu. You see, Ubuntu aims to support the vast majority of webcam right out of the box. Most webcam manufacturers don’t provide drivers for for...
by Richard W | Sep 23, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux, Security
Few days ago we showed you how to change your home folder in Ubuntu so that only authorized users may see your content. We said that the adduser utility creates user’s directories in such a way that make them world readable. This means that any all users who have...
by Richard W | Sep 22, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux
Here’s a simple tip that shows you how to change Ubuntu logon screen background with custom images. Ubuntu logon screen is ok and maybe better than most Linux distributions, but if you want to show custom images like ones that remind you of special places and things,...
by Richard W | Sep 21, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Security
By design, when you add a new user to Ubuntu , the adduser utility creates a brand new home directory for the account usually in the /home/ followed by the username. The default profile for all new users are modeled after the content in /etc/skel directory. One thing...
by Richard W | Sep 18, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux, Web, Wordpress
This post is part our new blogging series that helps new users and newbies setup and manage online blogs or websites. We started this because some of our readers had asked us to write simple-to-understand tutorials about blogging and managing online blogs. This post...