by Richard W | Oct 1, 2013 | Internet, Security, Web, Windows
If your computer is infected with spyware or other harmful programs, you should use spyware and antivirus scanners to find remove them. It can also be done manually via Windows’ add/remove program tool, but that’s not likely to work.. So how do you go about fixing...
by Richard W | Sep 29, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux, Security
For new users who just starting with Ubuntu and wanting to know about the root account, here’s a brief post that gives you a little insight about the root account and how / why to use it. You see, every Ubuntu edition comes with a root account. The root account...
by Richard W | Sep 23, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux, Security
Few days ago we showed you how to change your home folder in Ubuntu so that only authorized users may see your content. We said that the adduser utility creates user’s directories in such a way that make them world readable. This means that any all users who have...
by Richard W | Sep 21, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Security
By design, when you add a new user to Ubuntu , the adduser utility creates a brand new home directory for the account usually in the /home/ followed by the username. The default profile for all new users are modeled after the content in /etc/skel directory. One thing...
by Richard W | Sep 18, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux, Security
For new users and newbies who are just starting out with Ubuntu, managing users and groups can be challenging especially since the old users and group management tool doesn’t come with Ubuntu anymore. In prior versions of Ubuntu, one could easily manage users and...
by Richard W | Sep 16, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Security, Windows
Microsoft released a non-security update for Outlook as part of a batch of updates to resolve a vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook, but that non-security update also remove the folder pane from Outlook after installing it. The vulnerability the batch of updates were...