by Richard W | Apr 1, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux, Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
Kazam, an open-source tool that lets you take screenshots and screencasts of your Linux Desktop has been updated to version 1.4.2 and this brief tutorial is going to show you how to install it in Ubuntu 13.04. This program is a great tool go have if you’ll be doing...
by Richard W | Apr 1, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux, Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
If you have just configured some settings in Ubuntu 13.04 and Unity or Compiz are not working like the way they should, it’s easy to go back and reset or restore Unity and Compiz to the default settings. This is one of the many ways to revert or roll back changes that...
by Richard W | Apr 1, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux, Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
This brief tutorial is going to show you how to easily install HandBrake, an open-source multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail. HandBrake lets you transcode most common multimedia files and any DVD or Blu-ray sources that...
by Richard W | Mar 29, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux, Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
This brief tutorial is going to show you how to install Adobe Reader in Ubuntu 13.04 if you haven’t already done so. In previous versions of Ubuntu, one could easily install Adobe Reader by enabling Canonical Partner’s repository and installing the reader. Not any...
by Richard W | Mar 29, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Linux, Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
The Linux Kernel has just been updated to a stable version 3.8.5 of the 3.8 mainline, and this brief tutorial is going to show you how to upgrade your current kernel in Ubuntu to take advantage of some of the newest features and bug fixes that are included. Before...
by Richard W | Mar 28, 2013 | How-To/Tips, Internet, Linux, Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
Insync is an unofficial Google Drive Client that works in Windows, Mac OSX and Linux systems. The Windows and Mac version have just come out of beta with pricing for its Pro edition and later its Business edition. The cost for Insync Pro edition is a one-time $9.99....